Training ECOC multiclass model with tall arrays

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a big feature matrix (6000*40000), rows correspond to (observation) and columns correspond to (predictor variable). i use machine learning to train ECOC multiclass model using fitcecoc matlab function.
Due to the huge size of the feature matrix, I use tall arrays to handle the training data. As the the training data is a matrix, I used arrayDatastore to save the training data and pass it then to the tall array.
When I pass the training data to the fitcecoc function, this error appears:
Error using tall/fitcecoc (line 108)
Argumgent 1 to FITCECOC must be one of the following data types: float
Erroe in classifier_training_using_tall_arrays (line 15)
Gabor_feature_mdl=fitcecoc(Xtrain, Labeltrain, ‘learner’, t);
i trid to use datastore only insist of arrayDatastore, but it can not recognize the data.
thanks in advance
  4 个评论
Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-9-26
The documentation mentions that fitcecoc does support tall arrays. I am not sure why you are getting this error. For learner type, you need to pass t without the Apostrophes.
Amelia 2020-9-26
Yes I noticed that and correct it, but it isn't the reason of the error.


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