Hello Han,
Yes, you can establish serial communication between the STM32F446 microcontroller and MATLAB by following these steps:
- Configure UART with the desired settings (baud rate, data bits, stop bits, parity).
- Use firmware (e.g., HAL library) to send data via UART.
- Connect STM32 TX to adapter RX, and RX to TX.
- Open MATLAB and use the serialport function:
port = 'COMPort'; % Replace with your COM port
baudRate = Baudratevalue; % Baudrate
s = serialport(port, baudRate);
% Optional: Set terminator
configureTerminator(s, "LF");
% Read and display data
data = readline(s);
% Clean up
clear s;
- Ensure the STM32 is sending data continuously or upon request.
- Run the MATLAB script to read and display the data from the STM32.
I hope it helps.