How to read and stores values from certain number of lines followed by a line starting as TS in a .txt file?

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Hi everyone,
Every time after the line starting as TS (in the attached datap.txt), I want to read the 1st, 5th, 19th, 33th, 47th and 52th lines.
Here, line number counted after TS, like (-9.19000000e+00=1st line) and (3.74000000e+00 = 5th line) after first TS line (TS 0 0.00000000e+00).
Accordingly, (-9.19000000e+00 = 1st line) and (4.06626222e+00 = 5th line) after 2nd TS line (TS 0 3.62884792e+03).
I also want to store all 1st line values in a vector
d1 = [-9.19000000e+00 -9.19000000e+00 .........]
5th line values in another vector
d5 = [3.74000000e+00 4.06626222e+00 ............] and so on.
In another vector I want to grab the numeric values at the end of TS lines, like
TS = [0.00000000e+00 3.62884792e+03 .........]
Can anyone please help me in this regard.
Thanks a lot :)


Preyanka Dey
Preyanka Dey 2020-10-2
编辑:Preyanka Dey 2020-10-2
I solved...following is the answer if anyone need it....
function main
A = regexp(fileread('datap.txt'),'\n','split');
Whichline = find(~cellfun('isempty',...
strfind(A,'TS 0 ')))
gage5 = [];
gage10 = [];
gage13 = [];
gage19 = [];
TS_sec = [];
n = length(idx);
for i = 1:n
TimeStp = regexp(A{idx(i)},' ','split');
TS_sec = [TS_sec; TimeStp{4}];
gage5 = [gage5; A{idx(i)+5}];
gage10 = [gage10; A{idx(i)+10}];
gage13 = [gage13; A{idx(i)+13}];
gage19 = [gage19; A{idx(i)+19}];
gage5_m= str2num(gage5);
gage10_m= str2num(gage10);
gage13_m= str2num(gage13);
gage19_m= str2num(gage19);
T_sec= str2num(TS_sec);
%1st Option
gtable = table(T_sec, gage5_m, gage10_m, gage13_m, gage19_m);
write_files('Sroy.dat', T_sec, gage5_m, gage10_m, gage13_m, gage19_m);
function write_files(fname, T_sec, gage5_m, gage10_m, gage13_m, gage19_m)
fid = fopen(fname, 'w');
fprintf('%f %f %f %f %f\n',[T_sec gage5_m gage10_m gage13_m gage19_m]');
fprintf(fid,'%f %f %f %f %f\n',[T_sec gage5_m gage10_m gage13_m gage19_m]');

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