I think I figured it out. The Data property must be Cell array which can be a mixture of data types:
data = {'text1', 4e6, 'file1', 5e-6, 'file30'; 'text33', 7e3, 'file345', 1e-4, 'file 13'; 'text888', 1e8, 'file 345', 9e-8, 'file 1333'};
app.UITable.Data = data;
app.UITable.ColumnFormat = {'char','shortE','char','shortE','char'};
Creating this data variable in a for-loop can be done like this:
for j = 1 : numel(categ)
data(j,:) = {categ{j}, temperature(j), fileNameT{j}, pressure(j), fileNameP{j}};
The values in the cell array must be numeric, logical or char. They can't be cell array or categorical.