Repair non-Positive Definite Correlation Matrix

44 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi, I have a correlation matrix that is not positive definite. Does anyone know how to convert it into a positive definite one with minimal impact on the original matrix?
[1.0000 0.7426 0.1601 -0.7000 0.5500;
0.7426 1.0000 -0.2133 -0.5818 0.5000;
0.1601 -0.2133 1.0000 -0.1121 0.1000;
-0.7000 -0.5818 -0.1121 1.0000 0.4500;
0.5500 0.5000 0.1000 0.4500 1.0000]
Thanks for your help.

回答(3 个)

John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2011-4-22
Your matrix is not that terribly close to being positive definite. As you can see, the negative eigenvalue is relatively large in context.
C =
1 0.7426 0.1601 -0.7 0.55
0.7426 1 -0.2133 -0.5818 0.5
0.1601 -0.2133 1 -0.1121 0.1
-0.7 -0.5818 -0.1121 1 0.45
0.55 0.5 0.1 0.45 1
>> [V,D] = eig(C)
V =
0.4365 -0.63792 -0.14229 -0.02851 0.61763
0.29085 0.70108 0.28578 -0.064675 0.58141
0.10029 0.31383 -0.94338 0.012435 0.03649
0.62481 0.02315 0.048747 -0.64529 -0.43622
-0.56958 -0.050216 -0.075752 -0.76056 0.29812
D =
-0.18807 0 0 0 0
0 0.1738 0 0 0
0 0 1.1026 0 0
0 0 0 1.4433 0
0 0 0 0 2.4684
We can choose what should be a reasonable rank 1 update to C that will make it positive definite.
>> V1 = V(:,1);
>> C2 = C + V1*V1'*(eps(D(1,1))-D(1,1))
C2 =
1.0358 0.76648 0.16833 -0.64871 0.50324
0.76648 1.0159 -0.20781 -0.54762 0.46884
0.16833 -0.20781 1.0019 -0.10031 0.089257
-0.64871 -0.54762 -0.10031 1.0734 0.38307
0.50324 0.46884 0.089257 0.38307 1.061
As you can see, it is now numerically positive semi-definite. Any more of a perturbation in that direction, and it would truly be positive definite.
>> eig(C2)
ans =
Edit: The above comments apply to a covariance matrix. For a correlation matrix, the best solution is to return to the actual data from which the matrix was built. Then I would use an svd to make the data minimally non-singular.
Instead, your problem is strongly non-positive definite. It does not result from singular data. I would solve this by returning the solution I originally posted into one with unit diagonals.
>> s = diag(1./sqrt(diag(C2)))
s =
0.98255 0 0 0 0
0 0.99214 0 0 0
0 0 0.99906 0 0
0 0 0 0.96519 0
0 0 0 0 0.97082
>> C2 = s*C2*s
C2 =
1 0.74718 0.16524 -0.6152 0.48003
0.74718 1 -0.20599 -0.52441 0.45159
0.16524 -0.20599 1 -0.096732 0.086571
-0.6152 -0.52441 -0.096732 1 0.35895
0.48003 0.45159 0.086571 0.35895 1
As you can see, this matrix now has unit diagonals.
  6 个评论
John D'Errico
John D'Errico 2011-4-26
Mads - Simply taking the absolute values is a ridiculous thing to do. If you are computing standard errors from a covariance matrix that is numerically singular, this effectively pretends that the standard error is small, when in fact, those errors are indeed infinitely large!!!!!!!You are cooking the books. Why not simply define the error bars to be of width 1e-16? Wow, a nearly perfect fit!
Hany Ferdinando
Hany Ferdinando 2016-6-1
John, my covariance matrix also has very small eigen values and due to rounding they turned to negative. I implemented you code above but the eigen values were still the same.


Teja Muppirala
Teja Muppirala 2011-4-26
I guess it really depends on what you mean by "minimal impact" to the original matrix.
Idea 1: This is probably not optimal in any sense, but it's very easy. Shift the eigenvalues up and then renormalize.
A0 = [1.0000 0.7426 0.1601 -0.7000 0.5500;
0.7426 1.0000 -0.2133 -0.5818 0.5000;
0.1601 -0.2133 1.0000 -0.1121 0.1000;
-0.7000 -0.5818 -0.1121 1.0000 0.4500;
0.5500 0.5000 0.1000 0.4500 1.0000];
k = min(eig(A0));
A = A0 - k*eye(size(A0));
Anew = A/A(1,1)
Idea 2: Treat it as a optimization problem. This code uses FMINCON to find a minimal perturbation (by percentage) that yields a matrix that has all ones on the diagonal, all elements between [-1 1], and no negative eigenvalues.
function Anew = fixcorrmatrix
Abad = [1.0000 0.7426 0.1601 -0.7000 0.5500;
0.7426 1.0000 -0.2133 -0.5818 0.5000;
0.1601 -0.2133 1.0000 -0.1121 0.1000;
-0.7000 -0.5818 -0.1121 1.0000 0.4500;
0.5500 0.5000 0.1000 0.4500 1.0000];
x0 = zeros(10,1);
M = zeros(5);
indices = find(triu(ones(5),1));
opts = optimset('Display','iter','maxfunevals',1e4,'TolCon',1e-14,'algorithm','active-set');
x = fmincon(@(x) objfun(x,Abad,indices,M), x0,[],[],[],[],-2,2,...
@(x) confun(x,Abad,indices,M),opts);
M(indices) = x;
Anew = Abad + M + M';
function E = objfun(x,Abad,indices,M)
M(indices) = x;
Anew = Abad + M + M';
% Set your error condition here
ERR = abs((Anew - Abad)./Abad);
E = max(ERR(:));
function [c,ceq] = confun(x,Abad,indices,M)
ceq = [];
M(indices) = x;
Anew = Abad + M + M';
% Positive definite and every element is between -1 and 1
c = [-min(eig(Anew));
-1 + max(abs(Anew(:)))];
This yields the following answer:
[1.0000 0.8345 0.1798 -0.6133 0.4819
0.8345 1.0000 -0.1869 -0.5098 0.4381
0.1798 -0.1869 1.0000 -0.0984 0.0876
-0.6133 -0.5098 -0.0984 1.0000 0.3943
0.4819 0.4381 0.0876 0.3943 1.0000]
  3 个评论
Katerina Rippi
Katerina Rippi 2015-6-22
Idea 2 also worked in my case! However, in case that we have more than 5 parameters, for example 6 arrows and columns then we say:
x0 = zeros(12,1);
M = zeros(6); indices = find(triu(ones(6),1));
or we also change something else?
C Sung
C Sung 2017-7-19
I'm trying to use this same Idea 2, but on a 48x48 correlation matrix. What do I need to edit in the initial script to have it run for my size matrix?


Oi 2012-4-10
编辑:Walter Roberson 2017-7-19
Dear Teja,
Thanks for your code, it almost worked to me. I'm also working with a covariance matrix that needs to be positive definite (for factor analysis). Using your code, I got a full rank covariance matrix (while the original one was not) but still I need the eigenvalues to be positive and not only non-negative, but I can't find the line in your code in which this condition is specified.
I'm totally new to optimization problems, so I would really appreciate any tip on that issue.


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