Can I get faster MatrixMultiplication using CUDA than with Matlab internal GPU implementation??

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have to Multiply a Matrix A (size about 400 x400 ) with M Matrices B, while m is also about 500.
Using Matlab GPU implementation:
zCell = arrayfun(@(iz) gpu_A * gpu_B(:,:,iz),1:size(gpu_B,3),'uniformOutput',false);
C3 = gather(cat(3, zCell{:}));
My hope was that an implementation using CUDA code and a mex file would be faster than this, similar to the Mandelbrot example in the MatLab help.
My Cuda Code uses the CUBLAS function: cublasDgemmBatched
To save memory the matrix is stored only one time on the GPU, but I use 500 pointers showing to the same matrix A..
My complete CUDA code you find below. Any suggestion how to get it faster? Now MatLab is about 10% faster than my CUDA code..
#include "mex.h"
#include <assert.h>
#include <cuda_runtime.h>
#include <cublas_v2.h>
void inline checkError(cublasStatus_t status, const char *msg)
printf("%s", msg);
// end of CUDA Helper Functions
void initializeCUDA(int &devID)
// By default, we use device 0, otherwise we override the device ID based on what is provided at the command line
cudaError_t error;
devID = 0;
// get number of SMs on this GPU
error = cudaGetDevice(&devID);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaGetDevice returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
error = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, devID);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaGetDeviceProperties returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
//Make Matrix Multiplication using CUBLAS
void matrixMultiply3D( int devID,double *h_A, double *h_B, double *h_C ,mwSize ncolsA , mwSize nrowsA,mwSize ncolsB,mwSize nrowsB,mwSize nB)
initializeCUDA( devID);
cudaDeviceProp deviceProp;
cudaError_t error;
error = cudaGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, devID);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaGetDeviceProperties returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
// use a larger block size for Fermi and above
int block_size = (deviceProp.major < 2) ? 16 : 32;
unsigned int size_A = ncolsA * nrowsA;
unsigned int mem_size_A = sizeof(double) * size_A;
unsigned int size_B = ncolsB * nrowsB * nB;
unsigned int mem_size_B = sizeof(double) * size_B;
const unsigned int nrowsC = nrowsA;
const unsigned int ncolsC = ncolsB;
// allocate device memory
double *d_A, *d_B, *d_C;
const double **dd_A, **dd_B;
double **dd_C;
double **point_temp =new double*[nB];
unsigned int size_C = nrowsA * ncolsB * nB;
unsigned int mem_size_C = sizeof(double) * size_C;
unsigned int mem_size_point = sizeof(double*) * nB;
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &d_A, mem_size_A);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc d_A returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &dd_A, mem_size_point);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc dd_A returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
for ( int i=0; i<nB; i++) point_temp[i] = d_A;
// copy host memory to device
error = cudaMemcpy(d_A, h_A, mem_size_A, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy d_A h_A returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
// copy host memory to device
error = cudaMemcpy(dd_A, point_temp, mem_size_point, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy dd_A d_A returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &d_B, mem_size_B);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc d_B returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &dd_B, nB*sizeof(double*));
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc dd_B returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
for ( int i=0; i<nB; i++) point_temp[i] = d_B + i*ncolsB * nrowsB;
error = cudaMemcpy(d_B, h_B, mem_size_B, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy d_B h_B returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
// copy host memory to device
error = cudaMemcpy(dd_B, point_temp, mem_size_point, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy dd_B d_B returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &d_C, mem_size_C);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc d_C returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
error = cudaMalloc((void **) &dd_C, nB*sizeof(double*));
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMalloc dd_C returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
for ( int i=0; i<nB; i++) point_temp[i] = d_C + i*ncolsC * nrowsC;
// copy host memory to device
error = cudaMemcpy(dd_C, point_temp, mem_size_point, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy dd_C d_C returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
// setup execution parameters
dim3 threads(block_size, block_size);
dim3 grid(ncolsB / threads.x, nrowsA / threads.y);
// execute the kernel
// CUBLAS version 2.0
cublasHandle_t handle;
cublasStatus_t ret;
ret = cublasCreate(&handle);
printf("cublasCreate returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", ret, __LINE__);
const double alpha = 1.0f;
const double beta = 0.0f;
ret = cublasDgemmBatched(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, nrowsA, ncolsB, ncolsA, &alpha, dd_A, nrowsA, dd_B, nrowsB, &beta, dd_C, nrowsC, nB);
printf("cublasSgemm returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", ret, __LINE__);
// copy result from device to host
error = cudaMemcpy(h_C, d_C, mem_size_C, cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost);
if (error != cudaSuccess)
printf("cudaMemcpy h_CUBLAS d_C returned error code %d, line(%d)\n", error, __LINE__);
checkError(cublasDestroy(handle), "cublasDestroy() error!\n");
delete [] point_temp;
/* The gateway function */
void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],
int nrhs, const mxArray *prhs[]){
/*nlhs number of outputs
plhs pointer to outputs
nrhs number of inputs
prhs pointer to inputs */
double *inMatrixA; /* 1xN input matrix */
double *inMatrixB; /* 1xN input matrix */
size_t ncolsA; /* size of matrix */
size_t nrowsA; /* size of matrix */
size_t ncolsB; /* size of matrix */
size_t nrowsB; /* size of matrix */
size_t nB; /* number of matrices B */
const mwSize *dims;
double *outMatrix; /* output matrix */
/* check for proper number of arguments */
if(nrhs!=2) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MyToolbox:arrayProduct:nrhs","Two Matrix inputs required.");
if(nlhs!=1) {
mexErrMsgIdAndTxt("MyToolbox:arrayProduct:nlhs","One output required.");
/* get the value of the scalar input */
inMatrixA = (double*) mxGetData(prhs[0]);
/* create a pointer to the real data in the input matrix */
inMatrixB = (double*) mxGetData(prhs[1]);
/* get dimensions of the input matrix */
ncolsA = mxGetN(prhs[0]);
nrowsA = mxGetM(prhs[0]);
dims = mxGetDimensions(prhs[1]);
ncolsB = dims[1];
nrowsB = dims[0];
nB = dims[2];
/* create the output matrix */
plhs[0] = mxCreateNumericArray(3 , dims, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
/* get a pointer to the real data in the output matrix */
outMatrix = (double*) mxGetData(plhs[0]);
/* call the computational routine */
matrixMultiply3D(0, inMatrixA,inMatrixB,outMatrix,(mwSize)ncolsA , (mwSize)nrowsA,(mwSize)ncolsB,(mwSize)nrowsB,(mwSize) nB);//, sMatrixSize &matrix_size)
Thanks in advance

回答(4 个)

James Tursa
James Tursa 2013-2-1
I'm curious how the times compare to this:
C = mtimesx(A,B);
MTIMESX can be found here:
href = ""<</a>>

Francisco Ramírez
Francisco Ramírez 2013-2-18
In which format do you saved the file (.cu, .c, .cpp)?
How was the compilation instruction (mex ...)?

Francisco Ramírez
Francisco Ramírez 2013-2-22
Hi Robert,
I was looking into the CUBLAS documentation for more information about the function "cublasDgemmBatched" and I found the following:
cublasDgemmBatched. This function is intended to be used for matrices of small sizes where the launch overhead is a significant factor. For small sizes, typically smaller than 100x100, this function improves significantly performance compared to making calls to its corresponding cublas<t>gemm routine.

Zainub 2015-2-9
hi... I am using the same thing (cuda with matlab)... but I face a problem while adding path of cublas library... Error using loadlibrary (line 422) There was an error loading the library "libcublas" The specified module could not be found.
Caused by: Error using loaddefinedlibrary The specified module could not be found.


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