Fourier Series of Rectified Cosine Function

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
Why isn't this script running?
%% Problem 17.9
display('Problem 17.9')
% Determine the Fourier coefficients an and bn of the
% first three harmonic terms of the rectified cosine
% wave
syms n t
T = 8;
n = 1:3;
an = (2/T)*[int(2.5*cos(n*Wo*t)*cos(n*Wo*t),-2,2)]
AN_numeric = double(an)

回答(1 个)

Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-10-11
Try this:
syms n t
T = 8;
nv = (1:3);
an = (2/T)*int(2.5*cos(n*Wo*t)*cos(n*Wo*t),t,-2,2)
AN_numeric = double(subs(an,{n},{nv}))
  2 个评论
Salik Mallick
Salik Mallick 2020-10-11
Thanks Mr. Strider.
How do I plot the full wave to determine the period for the below function?
%% Problem 17.1_e
display('Problem 17.1_e')
% Evaluate each of the following functions and see if it
% is periodic. If periodic, find its period.
syms t
D = deg2rad(10);
D1 = rad2deg(D);
E = deg2rad(50);
E1 = rad2deg(E);
z = 4.2*sin(0.4*pi*t + D1) + 0.8*sin(0.6*pi*t + E1)
ezplot(z,[-pi/2,pi/2]), grid on
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-10-11
Simply expand the limits:
Since this is obviously homework, I leave the rest to you.



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