PROBLEM WITH welchparse>segment_info
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Hello everybody, recently i m working on speech analysis. I cut many audio files into vowel segment in second. But the issue is that i cannot work properly with the segmented vowels audios such as extracted their pitch, mfcc and other features. I attached to my problem the code of extracting pitch from those segmented vowels audios. Below is the code and the error when i tried to extract pitch features from those segmented vowels audios. I need to know where the error come from and how to fix it. Thank you for your answers and help
file = dir ('E:\I\*.wav');
M= length (file)
for k = 1:36
%pitch extraction
[speech,Fs]= audioread(fullfile('E:\I\',file(k).name));
ptch = pwelch(speech,Fs);
signalpitch(k,:) = ptch;
extractpitch = signalpitch (:,:);
Below is the error
Error using welchparse>segment_info (line 178)
The length of the segments cannot be greater than the length of the input signal.
Error in welchparse (line 32)
[L,noverlap,win] = segment_info(M,win,noverlap);
Error in welch (line 39)
[x,~,~,y,~,win,winName,winParam,noverlap,k,L,options] = ...
Error in pwelch (line 148)
[varargout{1:nargout}] = welch(x,esttype,varargin{:});
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