I want to visualize the output of a code in tabular form, using "uitable".
The specific outputs are taken from the workspace that I insert in the Attachment I put below this question.
- I define h as the 1X4 cell array which rapresent the name of the columns of the table I want to create.
- I define NODI_MAT_DIG as the 19x2 string array which rapresent the data of the first two columns.
- I define aa and bb which are respectively the 3th and 4th column.
I don't undestrand why Matlab makes the following error:
Error using uitable
Functionality not supported with figures created with the figure function. For more information, see Graphics Support in App Designer.
Error in uitable (line 53)
thandle = builtin('uitable', varargin{:});
Error in PF_UNIPD_NS_PVcontrol (line 147)
h = {'Nodo_Matlab' 'Nodo_PowerFactory' 'Modulo_Matlab' 'Fase_Matlab'}
NODI_MAT_DIG = [(1:N_nodi_tot)' nodi_originali];
aa = abs(En);
bb = (angle(En))*180/pi;
data = [NODI_MAT_DIG, aa, bb];
f = figure;
t = uitable(f,'data',data,'columnname',h)