How to correspond line colors with histogram

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
I made these overlapping histograms using a for loop. I'm trying to get the lines in the same color as the histograms. Does anybody know how to do this?
[~,ErrorLength]= size(out);
for i =1:ErrorLength
hold on
m = histogram(out(:,i),'normalization','pdf');
f = fitdist(out(:,i),'kernel');
hoi = pdf(f,x);
l = line(x,hoi,'linestyle','-','linewidth',2);
hold off
ylabel('Error rate');
legend('Target 1','','Target 2','','Target 3','','Target 4','')


Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-10-15
编辑:Star Strider 2020-10-15
The FaceColor property of the bars is 'auto', so if you want the colors to be the same, it is necessary to define them:
out = randn(500,3).*[10 20 30]; % Create Data To Test Code
x = linspace(-80, 80); % Create Data To Test Code
cm = jet(size(out,2)); % Define ‘colormap’
[~,ErrorLength]= size(out);
for i =1:ErrorLength
hold on
m = histogram(out(:,i),'normalization','pdf')
m.FaceColor = cm(i,:); % Define ‘FaceColor’
f = fitdist(out(:,i),'kernel');
hoi = pdf(f,x);
l = line(x,hoi,'linestyle','-','linewidth',2, 'Color',cm(i,:)); % Define Line ‘Color’
hold off
ylabel('Error rate');
legend('Target 1','','Target 2','','Target 3','','Target 4','')
You will need to fix the problem with the legend.
EDIT — (15 Oct 2020 at 12:17)
Added ‘out’ and ‘x’ definitions.
  8 个评论
MadjeKoe 2020-10-15
Thank you very much! Ik worked with () instead of {}!
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-10-15
As always, my pleasure!
It worked for me with both. I used {} (cell array) to be safe.


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