Unable to properly feedback an updated signal in simulink

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm trying to make a toy example work using simulink. I have a particle that i want to go in a circle. Basically what I want to do is to rotate progressively by 10 deg over 36 sec (so it makes a full circle).
How to code this in simulink? For the rotation, I used the 2d rotation matrix about z. I am basically having trouble feeding back the updated velocity as the new reference.


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-10-20
If you directly feed it back, you will create an algebraic loop, which is sometimes difficult to solve. Feedback through a delay block https://in.mathworks.com/help/simulink/slref/delay.html. Give a delay of 1 between output and feedback input.
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更多回答(1 个)

Paul 2020-10-20
Is there a reason why you wan to use a feedack loop where none really exists? Keep in mind that feedback loop is sampled and therefore the model is not integrating a continuous velocity. Why not just implement the equation for velocity directly, like so:
  1 个评论
Anthony Maalouly
Anthony Maalouly 2020-10-20
Yes there is a reason. Essentially, I want to use that feedback loop for a similar problem where I am controlling a particle and I want to add delta_v vectors under certain conditions. This toy example that I asked above simulated it well.
I do agree with you, one should not use feedback where no feedback is directly needed, and the solution above works as expected.



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