problem in using Eval with saveas function

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[EDIT: Thu May 12 23:04:08 UTC 2011 Duplicate Removed - MKF]
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to use eval with "saveas" function to save my figures. I have a loop and the name of figures will be generated according to counter. in the below code my counter is "i" and the name of figure in the first iteration will be: IC1_1_1
eval(['saveas(gfc,IC1_' num2str(i)'_1.jpg') ')']);
and the result of above code will be: saveas(gcf,IC1_1_1.jpg)...which is wrong for saveas function because in saveas function I must use single quotation for the filename, that means for saving my first figure, the result of eval should be: saveas(gcf,'IC1_1_1.jpg').
could you help me to handle this problem?


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-25
Skip the eval()
saveas(gcf, ['IC1_', num2str(i), '_1.jpg']);
saveas(gcf, sprintf('IC1_%d_1.jpg', i));

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