Code for EV battery cooling system example?
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I am looking to study the "EV Battery Cooling System" (see:
However, when copying the command sscfluids_ev_battery_cooling into the command window, it returns it as undefined.
I have searched my program files for the source code, but I've had no luck finding it.
Is there any other way I can access this file?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Rohit Pappu
The command sscfluids_ev_battery_cooling might not have worked because Simscape Fluids Toolbox wasn't installed. Please install Simscape Fluids Toolbox for the command to work.
4 个评论
Prakash Senthilkumar
Hi Rohit,
I am going to install matlab R2020b version. What are the required products for this example to be installed ?
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