Hi Jetty,
The “randn” function in MATLAB generates random numbers drawn from a standard normal distribution (Gaussian distribution) with a mean of 0 and a variance of 1. You can use it to create Gaussian noise and scale it to the desired variance or mean.
Below is an example code to generate a complex gaussian noise with zero mean and specific variance.
N = 1000; % Number of samples
variance = 2; % Variance
% Generate real and imaginary parts of the noise
realPart = sqrt(variance/2) * randn(N, 1); % Gaussian with zero mean and variance/2
imagPart = sqrt(variance/2) * randn(N, 1); % Gaussian with zero mean and variance/2
% Combine to form complex Gaussian noise
complexNoise = realPart + 1j * imagPart;
% Verify properties
disp(['Mean: ', num2str(mean(complexNoise))]);
disp(['Variance: ', num2str(var(complexNoise))]);
Refer to the following documentation to understand more about “randn” function - https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/randn.html