How to position radio buttons into grid layouts in App Designer?

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
Is it possible to position each of the radio buttons in a radio button group into a grid layout?
Many thanks.

回答(1 个)

Monisha Nalluru
Monisha Nalluru 2020-10-29
Hi Leon,
For my understanding, you want to place the radio buttons of radio button group in grid layout. This is not possible because the parent of uiradiobutton is uibuttongroup.
But if you want radio button to be looking as grid, you can calcuate and set them by specifying position property
  2 个评论
Julian Hapke
Julian Hapke 2021-7-20
If it's not already in development to have the elements inside a button group automatically arragaged, please take this comment as a feature request.
Julian Dönges
Julian Dönges 2021-10-27
Changing the Position property does not help in keeping the relative position correct when you are resizing the uifigure.
You can't even orient the radiobuttons to other grid elements, as the Position property is only in reference to the parent uibuttongroup and does not allow for absolute positioning (nor normalized values).



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