Length & Width measurement of an image in Millimeters

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am able to get the length and width of an image in pixels only.I am in need of measuring the length & width in millimeters for pixels/mm for a text extraction algorithm. how to get the values in millimeter?


Matt J
Matt J 2013-2-9
You could measure, physically, the dimensions of a letter of text and then measure the same letter's dimensions in pixels in your image. Then you could deduce the size of your pixels in mm.

更多回答(2 个)

Vijay 2013-2-9
Thats what i am not aware of how to measure the length & width in physical quantities.. all i get is in pixels only
  4 个评论
Vijay 2013-2-10
Thanks image analyst i got your demonstration on spatial calibration. ill make sure to answer people who are asking the same question again and again thanks a lot..


Vijay 2013-2-10


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