Z must be a matrix, not scalar or vector - SURF

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Attached is a screenshot of my code and a table I recreated in excel. Just pretend it is in MATLAB. Unfortunaltly, because this is for work, I cannot share actual screenshots, so I made a simplified mock up to show you.
'b' is the variable name I call from.
'c' is just what I call the length of b, which is 12.
The table is a 1x12 structure with 12 fields. For my example, I only show 1 to 5, but you ge the idea to show you where I get the error 'Z must be a matrix, not scalar or vector.'
I appreciate any help/advice. Thanks!


Sindar 2020-10-27
struct array is a terrible way to store this data. Does this do it?
tbl = struct2table(b);
% no loop
  4 个评论
Sclay748 2020-10-27
oh i guess that makes sense. I just was looking for the typical surface looking graph, but you made me realize that haha


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