Correct data format to write to a spesific destination via API

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I am writing a nd trying to combine a simple program which reads physiological data from shimmer(ECG-type data). My problem currently is, that I have no idea what command to use to write the data from the code to the spesific path. Sorry For the lengthy code pieces. The Problems is on the row
%% definitions
shimmer = ShimmerHandleClass(comPort);
SensorMacros = SetEnabledSensorsMacrosClass; % assign user friendly macros for setenabledsensors
fs = 512; % sample rate in [Hz]
firsttime = true;
% Note: these constants are only relevant to this examplescript and are not used
% by the ShimmerHandle Class
NO_SAMPLES_IN_PLOT = 5000; % Number of samples in the plot
DELAY_PERIOD = 0.2; % Delay (in seconds) between data read operations
numSamples = 0;
%% settings
% filtering settings
fm = 50; % mains frequency [Hz]
fchp = 0.5; % corner frequency highpassfilter [Hz]; Shimmer recommends 0.5Hz for monitoring applications, 0.05Hz for diagnostic settings
nPoles = 4; % number of poles (HPF, LPF)
pbRipple = 0.5; % pass band ripple (%)
HPF = true; % enable (true) or disable (false) highpass filter
LPF = true; % enable (true) or disable (false) lowpass filter
BSF = true; % enable (true) or disable (false) bandstop filter
% highpass filters for ExG channels
if (HPF)
hpfexg1ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.HPF,fs,fchp,nPoles,pbRipple);
hpfexg1ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.HPF,fs,fchp,nPoles,pbRipple);
hpfexg2ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.HPF,fs,fchp,nPoles,pbRipple);
hpfexg2ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.HPF,fs,fchp,nPoles,pbRipple);
% lowpass filters for ExG channels
if (LPF)
lpfexg1ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,fs/2-1,nPoles,pbRipple);
lpfexg1ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,fs/2-1,nPoles,pbRipple);
lpfexg2ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,fs/2-1,nPoles,pbRipple);
lpfexg2ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,fs/2-1,nPoles,pbRipple);
% bandstop filters for ExG channels;
% cornerfrequencies at +1Hz and -1Hz from mains frequency
if (BSF)
bsfexg1ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,[fm-1,fm+1],nPoles,pbRipple);
bsfexg1ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,[fm-1,fm+1],nPoles,pbRipple);
bsfexg2ch1 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,[fm-1,fm+1],nPoles,pbRipple);
bsfexg2ch2 = FilterClass(FilterClass.LPF,fs,[fm-1,fm+1],nPoles,pbRipple);
if (shimmer.connect)
shimmer.setsamplingrate(fs); % Select sampling rate
shimmer.setinternalboard('ECG'); % Select internal expansion board; select 'ECG' to enable both SENSOR_EXG1 and SENSOR_EXG2
shimmer.disableallsensors; % Disable other sensors
shimmer.setenabledsensors(SensorMacros.ECG,1) % Enable SENSOR_EXG1 and SENSOR_EXG2
if (shimmer.start) % TRUE if the shimmer starts streaming
plotData = [];
timeStamp = [];
filteredplotData = [];
h.figure1=figure('Name','Shimmer ECG signals'); % Create a handle to figure for plotting data from shimmer
set(h.figure1, 'Position', [100, 500, 800, 400]);
h.figure2=figure('Name','Shimmer ECG signals'); % Create a handle to figure for plotting data from shimmer
set(h.figure2, 'Position', [950, 500, 800, 400]);
elapsedTime = 0; % Reset to 0
tic; % Start timer
while (elapsedTime < captureDuration)
pause(DELAY_PERIOD); % Pause for this period of time on each iteration to allow data to arrive in the buffer
[newData,signalNameArray,signalFormatArray,signalUnitArray] = shimmer.getdata('c'); % Read the latest data from shimmer data buffer, signalFormatArray defines the format of the data and signalUnitArray the unit
if (firsttime==true && isempty(newData)~=1)
firsttime = writeHeadersToFile(fileName,signalNameArray,signalFormatArray,signalUnitArray);
if ~isempty(newData) % TRUE if new data has arrived
chIndex(1) = find(ismember(signalNameArray, 'ECG LL-RA'));
chIndex(2) = find(ismember(signalNameArray, 'ECG LA-RA'));
chIndex(3) = find(ismember(signalNameArray, 'ECG Vx-RL'));
chIndex(4) = find(ismember(signalNameArray, 'ECG RESP'));
ECGData = newData(:,chIndex);
ECGDataFiltered = ECGData;
% filter the data
if HPF % filter newData with highpassfilter to remove DC-offset
ECGDataFiltered(:,1) = hpfexg1ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,1));
ECGDataFiltered(:,2) = hpfexg1ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,2));
ECGDataFiltered(:,3) = hpfexg2ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,3));
ECGDataFiltered(:,4) = hpfexg2ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,4));
if BSF % filter highpassfiltered data with bandstopfilter to suppress mains interference
ECGDataFiltered(:,1) = bsfexg1ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,1));
ECGDataFiltered(:,2) = bsfexg1ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,2));
ECGDataFiltered(:,3) = bsfexg2ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,3));
ECGDataFiltered(:,4) = bsfexg2ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,4));
if LPF % filter bandstopfiltered data with lowpassfilter to avoid aliasing
ECGDataFiltered(:,1) = lpfexg1ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,1));
ECGDataFiltered(:,2) = lpfexg1ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,2));
ECGDataFiltered(:,3) = lpfexg2ch1.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,3));
ECGDataFiltered(:,4) = lpfexg2ch2.filterData(ECGDataFiltered(:,4));
dlmwrite(fileName, newData, '-append', 'delimiter', '\t','precision',16); % Append the new data to the file in a tab delimited format
plotData = [plotData; ECGData]; % Update the plotData buffer with the new ECG data
filteredplotData = [filteredplotData; ECGDataFiltered]; % Update the filteredplotData buffer with the new filtered ECG data
numPlotSamples = size(plotData,1);
numSamples = numSamples + size(newData,1);
timeStampNew = newData(:,1); % get timestamps
timeStamp = [timeStamp; timeStampNew];
if numSamples > NO_SAMPLES_IN_PLOT
plotData = plotData(numPlotSamples-NO_SAMPLES_IN_PLOT+1:end,:);
filteredplotData = filteredplotData(numPlotSamples-NO_SAMPLES_IN_PLOT+1:end,:);
sampleNumber = max(numSamples-NO_SAMPLES_IN_PLOT+1,1):numSamples;
Problem is found here. I am trying to forward the data with writing functions. But since I don't exactly know the correct command or syntax, I have no clue what to use?. The data I want to write forward is if i understood right located in newData. Below are the commands to open the local connection and closing it. I have tried dlwrite and fwrite already, though the syntax seemed not to work..
dlwrite(newData, u, 'delimiter', ',');
% u=udp('',8089);
% fwrite(u,newData);
The data I want to write outside to the spesific U-destination is outputted as seperate xml file currently:
subplot(2,2,1); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(1);
plot(sampleNumber,plotData(:,1)); % Plot the ecg for channel 1 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,2); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(2);
plot(sampleNumber,plotData(:,2)); % Plot the ecg for channel 2 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,3); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(1);
plot(sampleNumber,filteredplotData(:,1)); % Plot the filtered ecg for channel 1 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' 'filtered' ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,4); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(2);
plot(sampleNumber,filteredplotData(:,2)); % Plot the filtered ecg for channel 2 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' 'filtered' ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,1); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(3);
plot(sampleNumber,plotData(:,3)); % Plot the ecg for channel 1 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,2); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(4);
plot(sampleNumber,plotData(:,4)); % Plot the ecg for channel 2 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,3); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(3);
plot(sampleNumber,filteredplotData(:,3)); % Plot the filtered ecg for channel 1 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' 'filtered' ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
subplot(2,2,4); % Create subplot
signalIndex = chIndex(4);
plot(sampleNumber,filteredplotData(:,4)); % Plot the filtered ecg for channel 2 of SENSOR_EXG1
legendName1=[signalFormatArray{signalIndex} ' ' 'filtered' ' ' signalNameArray{signalIndex} ' (' signalUnitArray{signalIndex} ')'];
legend(legendName1); % Add legend to plot
xlim([sampleNumber(1) sampleNumber(end)]);
elapsedTime = elapsedTime + toc; % Update elapsedTime with the time that elapsed since starting the timer
tic; % Start timer
elapsedTime = elapsedTime + toc; % Update elapsedTime with the time that elapsed since starting the timer
fprintf('The percentage of received packets: %d \n',shimmer.getpercentageofpacketsreceived(timeStamp)); % Detect loss packets
shimmer.stop; % Stop data streaming
clear shimmer;

回答(1 个)

Anmol Dhiman
Anmol Dhiman 2020-11-6
Hi Iiro Koskialho,
I assume the problem is with sending the data over udp.
These are my suggestions
1) Use udpport instead of udp.
2) First extract data for a fixed size and try to keep it of a same type. Pass this data over the udp.
Anmol Dhiman


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