how to run function with struct

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% How do I ran this function using struct other function midFeaures are included in matlab
% I cannot run the struct
function [midFeatures, Centers, stFeaturesPerSegment] = ...
featureExtractionFile(signal, stWin, stStep, mtWin, mtStep, featureStatistics)
% function [midFeatures, Centers, stFeaturesPerSegment] = ...
% featureExtractionFile(fileName, stWin, stStep, mtWin, mtStep, ...
% featureStatistics)
% [mtFeatures, centers] = featureExtractionFile(fileName, ...
% 0.040, 0.040, 2.0, 1.0, {'mean','std'});
% This function reads a struct element and computes
% audio feature statitstics on a mid-term basis.
% - signal: audio signal (struct)
% - stWin: short-term window size (in seconds)
% - stStep: short-term window step (in seconds)
% - mtWin: mid-term window size (in seconds)
% - mtStep: mid-term window step (in seconds)
% - featureStatistics: list of statistics to be computed (cell array)
% - midFeatures [numOfFeatures x numOfMidTermWins] matrix
% (each collumn represents a mid-term feature vector)
% - Centers: representive centers for each
% mid-term window (in seconds)
% - stFeaturesPerSegment cell that contains short-term feature sequences
% (c) 2014 T. Giannakopoulos, A. Pikrakis
% convert mt win and step to ratio (compared to the short-term):
mtWinRatio = round(mtWin / stStep);
mtStepRatio = round(mtStep / stStep);
readBlockSize = 60; % one minute block size:
% get the length of the audio signal to be analyzed:
% ndret til struct brug!
a = signal.Filt_data;
fs = signal.SampleRate;
numOfSamples = length(a);
BLOCK_SIZE = round(readBlockSize * fs); % Antal samples per minut
curSample = 1;
count = 0;
midFeatures = [];
Centers = [];
stFeaturesPerSegment = {};
while (curSample <= numOfSamples) % while the end of file has not been reahed
% find limits of current block:
N1 = curSample;
N2 = curSample + BLOCK_SIZE - 1;
if (N2>numOfSamples)
N2 = numOfSamples;
tempX = signal.Filt_data(N1:N2,:); % ndret til struct brug!
% STEP 1: short-term feature extraction:
Features = stFeatureExtraction(tempX, fs, stWin, stStep);
% STEP 2: mid-term feature extraction:
[mtFeatures, st] = mtFeatureExtraction(...
Features, mtWinRatio, mtStepRatio, featureStatistics);
for (i=1:length(st))
stFeaturesPerSegment{end+1} = st{i};
Centers = [Centers readBlockSize * count + (0:mtStep:(N2-N1)/fs)];
midFeatures = [midFeatures mtFeatures];
% update counter:
curSample = curSample + BLOCK_SIZE;
count = count + 1;
if (length(Centers)==1)
Centers = (numOfSamples / fs) / 2;
C1 = Centers(1:end-1);
C2 = Centers(2:end);
Centers = (C1+C2) / 2;
if (size(midFeatures,2)>length(Centers))
midFeatures = midFeatures(:, 1:length(Centers));
if (size(midFeatures,2)<length(Centers))
Centers = Centers(:, 1:size(midFeatures,2));


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-10-30
The code expects the first parameter to be a struct with fields Filt_Data and SampleRate . Filt_Data is expected to be a 2D array with one column per channel.
  5 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-10-30
featureExtractionFile was originally literally a function to extract features from a file.
Someone along the way changed the code to expect a structure of information, and to not accept a file, but did not change the name of the function.
So your code
featureExtractionFile(signal, 0.05, 0.025, 2, 1, {'mean', 'median', 'std', 'stdbymean', 'max', 'min'});
is extracting features from the signal struct, and is throwing away the extracted features (you do not assign to output).
Then your code
plotFeaturesFile('audio.wav', 6)
passes a file name into a function that sets up, and does
[midFeatures, Centers, stFeaturesPerSegment] = featureExtractionFile(...
wavFileName, shortTermSize, shortTermStep, midTermSize, midTermStep, Statistics);
but that is going to fail because featureExtractionFile now has no ability to extract information from files, and instead needs to extract from a structure.
However when I look at the code, it looks to me as if you could probably do
plotFeaturesFile(signal, 6)
as the code does not validate that it has been passed a file, so you can pass it a struct to pass to featureExtractionFile
It is a mystery to me as to why someone would modify the featureExtractionFile code to require a struct instead of a file without renaming the function. It would have made a lot more sense to have created a new featureExtractionStruct (that does what the current one does with struct input), and to have made featureExtractionFile into a routine that accepted a file name and read the audio data from it and created the struct and called featureExtractionStruct .
Kamil Kacer
Kamil Kacer 2020-10-30
Maaaaaan It worked thats like 1000$ worth advice
Thank you so much from SVK


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