Arabic document

18 次查看(过去 30 天)
najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-27
Hello Everyone. Please, I want to know if you can read Arabic document in matlab. Arabic is install on my computer, and when I try to read the file it gives me: {'المملكة' 'المغربية'} is that you have an idea please??


Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
How are you reading the file, and how are you displaying it? What is your locale set to? What is your font set to?
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
It doesn't help to say "Its not working". Please show the first line of the output of dec2hex(0 + doc{1}) and indicate the unicode code points for the first 16 or so characters you are expecting in the file. Also, please change your 'r' option to 'rt' so that you are working with text instead of binary.
Please also execute this and indicate the output:
fid = fopen('arabe.txt','r');
dec2hex(0 + fread(fid, 32, '*uint8'));
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
If that is the entire output, then your file is only 5 bytes long. I need a longer sample than that to debug this problem.
I also still need the first line of the output of dec2hex(0 + doc{1}), and the first few unicode code points of what you are expecting. Unfortunately this forum is not able to support posting arabic directly so you will have to look up the characters in the wikipedia article I referenced and write them down manually.


更多回答(6 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
If I am correct about the file having been double-encoded, then:
fid = fopen('arabe.txt','r');
inputtext = char(native2unicode(fread(fid)));
  21 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-5-6
It appears that najmaf changed the Windows Regional Language settings.
najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-5-7
when I change the format parameter in Arabic, the text is afiche


najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
I read the file with:
The result is:

najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
no its not working, I use other formats than UTF-8 ', but its not working well. I'm really stuck on this level.

najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
i use it: fid = fopen('arabe.txt','rt'); dec2hex(0 + fread(fid, 32, '*uint8')) fclose(fid); the result is: { ans =
EF BB BF D8 A7 }
this is the file arabe: ??? ?? ????? ??? ???? ???? ???? ??? ???? ?????
and thank you
  1 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
I needed you to use
fid = fopen('arabe.txt','r');
dec2hex(0 + fread(fid, 32, '*uint8'));
You used 'rt' instead. I don't know if that makes a difference.


najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
sorry, I wanted to send you the file contents of my Arabic, but its not working

najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
you can use any document to test, for the resulta, I sent you that gives me, it gives me character hexadecimal
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2011-4-28
Yes, and I need to see _what_ those hexadecimal values are.
Wait -- is the first character of the file 0x0627, 'alif ? If so, then the file appears to be a UTF-8 encoding of a UTF-16 byte stream. The file appears to have been encoded twice!
najmaf najma
najmaf najma 2011-4-28
exactly, the first character is the 'alif'



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