How can I rotate camera keeping the size of sphere constant?
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I am plotting a sphere (world) that later I rotate using the built-in function view. This works well and allows to rotate the sphere the way I want in a loop to save individual frames. But the problem is that at each rotation, the size of the sphere changes (see animation attached). My ultimate goal is to create a nice animation but the changing size of the sphere is annoying.
My question then is: Is there a way that I can rotate the camera view but keep the same sphere size in each frame? Perhaps, another function similar to view? or another kind of workaround?
This is how I am creating the sphere:
I = imread('myimage.png');
[x,y,z] = sphere(359);
surface(x,y,z, 'FaceColor','texturemap','EdgeColor','none','Cdata',flipud(I))
daspect([1 1 1])
After that, I plot the data that I want.
I have also tried using:
set(gca,'Position',[0 0 1 1])
axis tight
and it does not work for my purpose.
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