Trying to run Bayesian Optimization in parallel on a UNIX cluster and getting an error. Is anyone familiar with what could be causing the error?

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This question might sound funny to those who are familiar with running matlab codes in UNIX but, I never had a reason until recently to try to run my matlab code in a UNIX cluster and I'm somewhat new to it.
1st question: Can I leave any space between lines of code like I do in Windows (write the matlab file like I would usually do or should I make changes to the file (for example: leave no space between lines, use ( " ) instead of ( ' ) for strings, etc.) due to running it in a UNIX environment?)
2nd question: I'm not very familiar with running parallel jobs in a unix cluster but, when I tried to run it in a shell using bash, it gave me this error and I can't tell what might be causing it (it's a bit lengthy):
{^HError using gcp (line 49)
Invalid default value for property 'DummyEnforceInitClient' in class
Error: File: /opt/apps/nfs/matlab/R2020a/toolbox/parallel/initclient.m Line: 21
Column: 8
The import statement 'import
com.mathworks.toolbox.distcomp.mjs.service.ExportConfigInfo' cannot be found or
cannot be imported. Imported names must end with '.*' or be fully qualified.
Error in bayesoptim.BayesoptParallel/get.ParPool (line 26)
Pool = gcp;
Error in bayesoptim.BayesoptParallel (line 39)
pool = this.ParPool;
Error in BayesianOptimization/initializeParallel (line 1954)
this.Parallel = bayesoptim.BayesoptParallel(this.ObjectiveFcn,
Error in BayesianOptimization (line 455)
this = initializeParallel(this);
Error in bayesopt (line 323)
Results = BayesianOptimization(Options);
Error in Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN (line 13)
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 1: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 2: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 3: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 4: 0.0498,: command not found
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 1: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 2: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 3: fg: no job control
/home/user/Bayesian_optimization_classical_NN.m: line 4: 0.0498,: command not found
.... (repeated 36 times due to requesting 36 cores)
Can anyone recognize the possible reasons for these errors?
Thank you.

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