matlab can not recognize the device

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I'm using the Image acquisition tool box (matlab 2011b) I want to get a image from ccd camera through my desktop,so I bought a DVR card and plugged the card in the main board. Also, I installed a software given by the DVR card company. I can see the video using the software, but when I try to get the video through matlab, it cannot recognize the CCD. I checked that the software is WDM driver
Does anybody can help me? :(
  3 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-2-19
Does the device show up for imaq purposes? What does it show up as?
Fernando Torres
Fernando Torres 2013-2-19
编辑:Fernando Torres 2013-2-19
If I typed 'imaqhwinfo', I could see 'matrox' and 'winvideo'.
then, I typed imaqhwinfo('matrox'), but there was no device.
I tried imaqhwinfo('winvideo'), but the situation was same.


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