matlabpool error Parallel Computing Toolbox

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have R2012a installed on 64bit PC. I added the Parallel Computing Toolbox but i cannot start a matlabpool. When I type ver i don't see the PCT as being installed. But across the top I see Parallel as a header menu.
I simply want to run a parfor loop at this point.
I'm either doing something wrong or something isn't set up properly. How do I check?
Thank you
  8 个评论
Shashank Prasanna
Shashank Prasanna 2013-2-22
That message is telling you that MATLAB is starting a pool of workers. When you use parfor after the above finishes executing, those are the workers amongst which your job will be distributed.
Valentin 2013-2-22
@Shashank Ok - but it's been "Starting a pool of workers" for over an hour now and nothing is happening. Am I supposed to check something else?



Valentin 2013-2-22
编辑:Valentin 2013-2-22
NFR - I think my problem is solved. Thanks to those who helped. I had to do the following:
1. Uninstall R2012a and also deleting any files remaining in Program Files (x86)/Matlab that were not removed by the Matlab uninstall
2. Install Java 7 update 15
3. Install Matlab R2012a with Parallel Computing Toolbox (PCT)
4. start Matlab - type ver in command window and see that all my toolboxes show up (including PCT)
5. check Parallel > Manage Cluster Profiles menu. Click Validate (everything passes)
6. type matlabpool in command window and core cluster starts up (3 seconds)
7. check bottom right corner of Matlab window to see the cluster indicator icon is active (not grayed out).
From the PCT - Cluster Profiles Help notes it was useful to read that: "You cannot run a profile validation if you already have a MATLAB pool open"

更多回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-2-21
You have the software installed, but not licensed. Somehow.
You should contact Mathworks Support.
  1 个评论
Valentin 2013-2-21
Thank you. I have contacted them. So far their best response has been to reinstall. The most useful response for me has been from Sean (see Comments). The PCT is listed after following his steps.



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