importing csv files with readtable

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Hi.I have several csv files created by some pother software (Python) ..I used readtable to proces them .The first row contains some stock names while the other are some dates and prices .readtable works great just the first row is seen as "header" somehow (row starts at columns 2) so I cannot save it somehow in the structure.When opened in Excel I do not see anything specific about the first row (# or anything like it) .Before I used textread but this one seems nicer -:)).Maybe I do something wrong .
  3 个评论
Mihai Milea
Mihai Milea 2020-11-11
You are right of course .I am attaching a piece of the file
Cris LaPierre
Cris LaPierre 2020-11-11
Still not clear what the error is you are seeing. What is the code you are using to save the data to a structure? What is the error message you are getting? Please share the entire error message (all the red text). It would also be helpful if you shared the relevant code.



Mihai Milea
Mihai Milea 2020-11-18
编辑:Mihai Milea 2020-11-18
Ok thank you .So for a generic vector V it would be [A,ind] = stock(:,V') and A.Var1 is the dates vector .The others I have to look at the page you suggested .ind will just keep track of the place

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