How to write included function into other

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Hi, i need to
write a function that simulates a coin toss: r = coin_flip (N), where N is the number of tosses, r is a logical vector, r (i) = true if the i-th toss is heads. a function that simulates a coin toss: r = coin_flip (N), where N is the number of tosses, r is a logical vector, r (i) = true if the i-th toss is heads
write a function that counts the number of tails dropped: h = sum_tails (r), where r is the vector of results of the coin_flip () function, h is the number of tails.
So this what I've made:
function r = coin_flip(N)
i = rand(1,N);
r = (i > 0.5);
function h = sum_tails(r)
h = sum(r < 0.5);
How could I use coin_flip value for sum_tails?


Subhadeep Koley
Subhadeep Koley 2020-11-14
First of all define these two functions, coin_flip and sum_tails
function r = coin_flip(N)
i = rand(1, N);
r = (i > 0.5);
function h = sum_tails(r)
h = numel(r) - nnz(r);
Call these functions using this script
% Simulate 100 coin tosses
res = coin_flip(100);
% Count number of tails
numTails = sum_tails(res);
% Display result in command window
disp(['Total number of tails dropped: ', num2str(numTails)])

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