Import file .stl - parameters

12 次查看(过去 30 天)
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri 2020-11-14
评论: Alberto Acri 2020-11-17
I would like to import an .stl file. I proceeded like this:
fv = stlread('EXAMPLE.stl');
patch(fv,'FaceColor', [0.8 0.8 1.0], ...
'EdgeColor', 'none', ...
'FaceLighting', 'gouraud', ...
'AmbientStrength', 0.15);
grid off
hold on
axis equal
But I wanted to get a figure with the outline. What should I change?

回答(1 个)

Pratheek Punchathody
Look into the following code which imports the sample .stl file into MATLAB and adds the geometry to the PDE model.
In the pdegplot()” function change the parameter FaceAlpha to "0" so that only edges are shown from the geometry present in the .stl file
model = createpde;
pdegplot(model,'FaceLabel','on', 'FaceAlpha',0)
Results of the about code with the sample cube geometry is as shown below.
With “FaceAlpha = 1”
Results of the about code with the sample cube geometry is as shown below.
With “FaceAlpha = 0”
Refer this "Link" for further information on importing the .stl file and changing the parameters.
  1 个评论
Alberto Acri
Alberto Acri 2020-11-17
Thanks, but I had already seen that link. Using the createpde command I can't get what I want because the stl object is characterized by a mesh.



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