Hello together,
I'm a beginner with Matlab Gazebo tool, so I'm working with a virtual Machine using the VMWare Workstation with an Gazebo world.
If I want to get the state of the model to add some forc to the ball, then i get the error:
Error using ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel/getState (line 104)
Error during service call, cannot get the state of the model
Error in ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel (line 70)
[obj.Position, obj.Orientation, obj.Velocity] = getState(obj);
I was checking the ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel()-function. There at Line 70, the function calls the
msg = call(obj.GetStateClient,serviceMsg);
then the error occorus.
I'm working with Matlab2020b, so the current verison. I found some workaround (https://de.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/answers/423993-spawnmodel-error-in-robotics-system-toolbox) to solve these problem, to change some java files on my host PC, but these java-file witch i did not found on my pc.
So does anybody know some other idea to solve these problem?
Thank you very much in advance.