Loadlibrary failed with Error 87: The parameter is incorrect
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Dear Matlab support team,
Since I recently upgraded to R2020b, I keep getting the error message "Loadlibrary failed with Error 87: The parameter is incorrect", and then Matlab crashes. With R2020b and R2020a, this happens immediately when I start Matlab. With the much older R2014a, I get the same error message soon after starting an m-file. Prior to upgrading to R2020b, everything worked perfectly fine with R2020a and all earlier releases.
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回答(2 个)
Jeffrey Daniels
I was able to resolve this issue by running the command opengl('save','software') BEFORE clicking OK on the error dialog window.
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Prabhanjan Mentla
This error is not specific to MATLAB and it could be due to machine’s graphic card configuration.
Hope this helps.
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