How can I close volumeViewer with a command in script? (close all does not close volumeViewer windows)

17 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello, I am working on a code to analyze 3D biofilms from confocal analysis - generated tiff image stacks. Just because I'm lazy, I would like to be able to close out of all figures at the beginning of my program and not have to manually exit out of any windows each time. I've noticed that the close all command doesn't exit out of volumeViewer windows, so is there another command I could use to accomplish this?
Thank you
  1 个评论
Tim 2020-11-25
volshow() uses the same volume renderer as volumeViewer but gives you much more flexibility for integration in custom code - have you tried visualizing with volshow instead? Close should work with figures containing volshow objects.



Kiran Felix Robert
Kiran Felix Robert 2020-12-17
Hi Zachary,
You can close the volumeViewer app by using the following command
volumeViewer close;
Refer the Volume Viewerdocumentation for more information.

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