How to extract audio from mp4 video file with Matlab?

24 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have a video file and I want to extract the video and audio into separate objects for writing to disk separately. I know how to deal with the video, but the audio is not so simple, it seems. This does not work, so is there another approach to solving this problem?
>> [input_file, Fs] = audioread('Home_Made_Video.mp4','native');
Error using audioread (line 88)
The file type is not supported
Any hints would be appreciated.

回答(1 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2020-11-29
  2 个评论
David Winthrop
David Winthrop 2020-11-29
I did try to call audioread without native before adding that option.
I am on linux if it makes any difference.
>> VideoFreader=vision.VideoFileReader('Home_Made_Video.mp4');
Error using vision.VideoFileReader
Invalid input file.
David Winthrop
David Winthrop 2020-12-5
编辑:David Winthrop 2020-12-5
In case anyone else can't get this to work on MATLAM Linux, here's the fix:
Ditch MATLAB and install ffmpeg.






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