Implementing a shift register into a Matlab function

25 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hello everyone,
I'm trying to write a shift register in a MATLAB-Function in Simulink. So I have an initial Matrix M, that is supposed to change for every new Input-value of L in Simulink in a way that it saves the new input value as it's first value and pushes the other values one step back and deletes the last value.
For better explanation: If this wasn't a function, but a calculation in a loop, the working code would look like this:
M=[1; 2; 3; 4; 5];
for x=1:5
M=[L(x); M(1:end-1)];
However I want to use real- time data in the end, so this doesn't work for me.
This is what I have so far (it's a Matlab-Function in Simulink):
function y = fcn(L, M)
M=[L ; M(1:end-1)];
y = mean(M);
When I run this, it just overwrites the first value in M and doesn't push the other values back. Can anybody help?


Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-11-30
To save a variable between different iterations of MATLAB function block in Simulink, declare it as persistent. For example, if the initial value of M is given, you can do something like this
function y = fcn(L)
persistent M
if isempty(M)
M = [1; 2; 3; 4; 5];
M = [L; M(1:end-1)];
y = mean(M);
  4 个评论
AN 2020-12-1
编辑:AN 2020-12-1
All right, this works perfectly. Thank you so much for your help!


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