Video Labelling for Video Classification (LSTM)

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Excuse me,
I want to ask how to make a video to be a label ?
its like imds but for a video (MATLAB R2018B)
example on imds
imds = imageDatastore('TrainingData','IncludeSubFolders',true','LabelSource','foldernames');


Richie Chang
Richie Chang 2021-1-8
function for reading the labels.
function [files, labels] = TrainingDataFiles(dataFolder)
fileExtension = ".mp4";
listing = dir(fullfile(dataFolder, "*", "*" + fileExtension));
numObservations = numel(listing);
files = strings(numObservations,1);
labels = cell(numObservations,1);
for i = 1:numObservations
name = listing(i).name;
folder = listing(i).folder;
[~,labels{i}] = fileparts(folder);
files(i) = fullfile(folder,name);
labels = categorical(labels);

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