Accessing Elements in Arrays

4 次查看(过去 30 天)
Chris Stillo
Chris Stillo 2020-12-2
I have an array like this:
ans = 4000
ans = 4272.5
ans = 4553.85
I would like to access the first element in each case to plot their values (4000 4272.5 4553.85).
s(1,1).x([1]) yields 4000
s(1,2).x([1]) yields 4272.5
s(1, 1:2).x([1]) gives error: a cs-list cannot be further indexed.
What is the proper syntax needed to yield an array containing the values 4000 4272.5 and 4553.85 please?

回答(1 个)

Ameer Hamza
Ameer Hamza 2020-12-2
编辑:Ameer Hamza 2020-12-2
You can use arrayfun()
v = arrayfun(@(s_) s_.x(1), s)
Indexing of struct arrays and cell arrays can be a bit confusing in MATLAB. Check the following links
Following is another solution
v = [s.x];
v = v(1,:);
  4 个评论
Chris Stillo
Chris Stillo 2020-12-2
That's great. Thanks again.



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