multiplicative noise generate using randn

5 次查看(过去 30 天)
I add additive '0' mean Gaussian noise to original image using
n=0+(sd)*randn(size(original image)) and i apply noise estimation algorithm to noisy image and i found additive noise.
If i needs to simulate noise estimation algorithm using multiplicative noise,how i generate noisy image with multiplicative noise? (only using 'randn' function, not using imnoise)


Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-3-17
编辑:Image Analyst 2013-3-17
noiseOnlyImage = sd * randn(size(noiseFreeImage));
noisyImage = noiseFreeImage .* noiseOnlyImage;
% Cast to uint8 if you want.
imshow(noisyImage, []); % Use [] if it's a double image.
  8 个评论
Saija Bhumireddy
Saija Bhumireddy 2018-5-18
what does sd mean? I see that it is not an inbuilt function. can someone explain this plss
Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2018-5-18
sd is a variable that represents the standard deviation. It's something you assign a desired value to.


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