Graph Convolutional Network(GCN)?

28 次查看(过去 30 天)
Does matlab 2020b deeplearning toolbox support Graph Convolutional Network (GCN)? If not, will future versions integrate this feature? thanks


Jon Cherrie
Jon Cherrie 2021-7-19
For an example showing Graph Neural Networks in MATLAB, please see
  3 个评论
Samaneh Nemati
Samaneh Nemati 2022-1-20
Hi Jon,
I'm not sure if I'm missing something oe not. But there are some functions like "coloumb2Adjacency" and "initializegolort" which have been used in this code but I cannot find the code for those functions. And becuase of that I cannot run the whole code. Could you please let me know where I can find those functions? Thank you!
Jon Cherrie
Jon Cherrie 2022-1-20
编辑:Jon Cherrie 2022-3-24
They are attached to the example. If you use the command openExample('nnet/NodeClassificationUsingGraphConvolutionalNetworkExample') to open the example, then you should have access to those functions.


更多回答(2 个)

Lithin Chandran
Lithin Chandran 2020-12-17
In the 2020b release of MATLAB, Graph convolutional Network is not supported. It might be included in the future releases.

灿 程
灿 程 2022-3-24
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