Heated-Rod Equation Recursive Question

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
investigating the heat rod function.
Length = 50 cm uniform intiial temperature u0 = 100dC and thermal diffusivity k = 0.15. I was given the following code in the text, and it is fine until I put x into the sine term.
it says my error is in line 8. I know it is the x.
How can I get the correct input arguements? Also how would I get the graphs of u(x, 30) abd u(25,t)?


Shadaab Siddiqie
Shadaab Siddiqie 2020-12-9
It looks like you want to create function in a file and run it. Refere Create function in files for more information. Here is the code
function u = expand(x,t)
k = .15;
L = 50;
u0 = 100;
S = 0;
N= 50;
for n = 1:2:2*N+1
S = S + 1/n*exp((-n^2)*(pi^2)*k*t/(L^2))*sin((n*pi*x)/L);
To plot you can run
a1 = expand(1:30,30);
a2 = expand(25,1:30);
from the command line or from another file.

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