I am working with the three primary types of filters; the low-pass filter, the high-pass filter and the band pass filter, and creating some effect-spectres of them.
I am getting a warning regarding my playback, which I do not quite know how to fix it. Pop-ups like an error. This is what the console prints:
Warning: Invalid playback selection. Playback will start at the beginning.
> In audioplayer/play (line 67)
In EffectSpectras (line 10)
And that's the code:
load handel;
x = y/1;
player = audioplayer(x, Fs);
play(player,[1 (get(player, 'SampleRate')*10)]);
[Rows, Cols] = size(x);
Ylo = FDLowpass(x);
Ybd = FDBandpass(x);
Yhi = FDHighpass(x);
POVylo = PowerSpecFFT(Ylo);
POVybd = PowerSpecFFT(Ybd);
POVyhi = PowerSpecFFT(Yhi);
plot(1:Rows, POVylo)
title('The low-pass')
hold on
plot(1:Rows, POVybd)
title('The band-pass')
hold on
plot(1:Rows, POVyhi)
title('The high-pass')
Also my problem is that i want all 3 plots to be displayed separately, and preferably in one window where you can see all at once, or if that's not possible then where all 3 figure-windows will appear.