Matlab Engine Does not print

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Debjit Pal
Debjit Pal 2013-3-27
Hi All,
I have written the following code in Visual C++ 2012 to use Matlab engine by modifying the engwindemo.c code.
#include Windows.h #include stdio.h #include stdlib.h #include "engine.h"
int main (int argc, char *argv[]){ printf("Debjit Pal.\n");
Engine *MyMatlabEngine;
if (!(MyMatlabEngine = engOpen(NULL))) { MessageBox ((HWND)NULL, (LPSTR)"Can't start MATLAB engine", (LPSTR) "Engwindemo.c", MB_OK); exit(-1); }
mxArray *xVal = NULL, *yVal = NULL, *d = NULL; double time[10] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 }; xVal = mxCreateDoubleMatrix(1, 10, mxREAL); memcpy((char *) mxGetPr(xVal), (char *) time, 10*sizeof(double));
engPutVariable(MyMatlabEngine, "xVal", xVal); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "PI = 3.14; D = .5.*(-9.8).*xVal.^2; P = PI*.5.*(-1.2).*xVal.^3;"); //engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "D = .5.*(-9.8).*xVal.^2;"); //engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "P = PI*.5.*(-1.2).*xVal.^3;"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "Handle = figure;"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "plot(xVal,D);"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "hold on;"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "plot(xVal,P);"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "grid on;"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "title('Position vs. Time for a falling object');"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "xlabel('Time (seconds)');"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "ylabel('Position (meters)');"); engEvalString(MyMatlabEngine, "print(Handle, '-dpdf', 'MyFig.pdf');");
mxDestroyArray(xVal); engClose(MyMatlabEngine);
return 0; }
But what I see that no MyFig.pdf file is being generated. Can anyone suggest what I am missing here? Does all the commands of Matlab works with Matkab Engine interface?
Thanks and Regards,

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