ode45 too many input arguments

11 次查看(过去 30 天)
so i got a function which i did as home work a few days ago tested it ,it ran ,now it doesn't want to run anymore i don't know how to fix it ,because i want to do a few more examples of ode45 and i get same error . The files have not been opened/modified since i wrote/tested them .
the function (which is saved correctly)
function dy=ec1L10(x,y)
and the script
[x y]=ode45('ec1L10',0:0.25:4,2);
plot(x,y);grid on ; axis tight;


Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-12-10
To use your original construction, the single quotes are no longer acceptable..
[x y]=ode45(@ec1L10,0:0.25:4,2);
would work.
However ‘ec1L10’ can be written as an anonymous function:
ec1L10 = @(x,y) 4*exp(0.8*x)-0.5*y;
so the rest of that code becomes:
[x y]=ode45(ec1L10,0:0.25:4,2);
grid on
axis tight
  4 个评论
Opariuc Andrei
Opariuc Andrei 2020-12-10
编辑:Opariuc Andrei 2020-12-11
thx ,you saved me .I wanna buy you a beer :)
Star Strider
Star Strider 2020-12-11
As always, my pleasure!
Thank you! Maybe some day ...


更多回答(1 个)

Steven Lord
Steven Lord 2020-12-10
Let's check if you're using the ode45 function included in MATLAB. What does this function show? It should show just one function inside the toolbox/matlab/funfun subdirectory under matlabroot.
which -all ode45


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