Using Simulink in a Laptop

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sewon choi
sewon choi 2020-12-23
I am using 13 inch i5-2.0 GHz with 2020 MacBook Pro.
If you run the example presented for simulink study, some examples will be unresponsive.
I think it's a cpu problem, so I'm going to change it to 16 inches, which is i7-2.6 GHz.
If I change it, will the matlab and simulink work well?

回答(1 个)

Madhav Thakker
Madhav Thakker 2020-12-29
Hi Sewon,
It appears to me as if there might be some problem with installation. For any problems related to installation, Contact Support !
They help with installation and setup problems for all MATLAB licenses. More information on Service Requests in this FAQ.
Hope this helps.


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