Symbolic Matrix Multiplication in Simulink
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I want to simulate a state space system in Simulink but my A and B matrixes is symbolic. A and B matrices are dependent to variables in x vector. Some elements of A and B matrices contain elements of x state vector.
I created general x_dot = Ax +Bu, y = Cx system in Simulink. But whenever I tried to put my A and B symbolic matrices to Gain blocks, it gives error.
"Invalid setting in 'Gain1' for parameter 'Gain'.
I also tried Control System Toolbox with symbolic matrices, but no luck.
How do I simulate my system represented with A,B and C matrices?
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回答(1 个)
fouad koudsi
try to covert the matrices from sym to numeric, you can use
You may need to assign a new name for A and B to be used in simulink
I hope it helps!
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