Why can't i parse a stateflow library?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
Brian 2013-4-9
I just moved from Matlab 2007b to 2011b and now I can't parse all my stateflow libraries like I used to. (all the parse options are greyed out)
Apparently, I have to create links to them from a non-library model and then parse them.
Does anybody know how to directly parse a stateflow library without creating a link to it ?
Thanks, Brian

回答(1 个)

Siddharth 2013-4-10
Unfortunately you cannot parse a library chart in R2011b. The capability was added back again in R2013a. Parsing of library charts was not available between R2008b and R2012b. You can find more information about these changes in the Stateflow release notes for the 2 versions. Hope that helps.


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