plot graph from cell array

6 次查看(过去 30 天)
I have loaded 15 excel files into matlab and saved them all as a 15x1 cell.
My aim is to create 15 graphs, showing the contents of each row of the cell array against tim in a subplot.
I have made a for loop, which I ant to loop thorugh each doubl ein the cell array and plot against time. This does make 15 plots but I think it is plotting the same data 15 times. Would anybody be able to help?
%% load all the excel files in, using the same method as csv
files = dir('*.xlsx'); %dir lists the files in a folder. In the specified folder, recognise all the .xlsx files
num_files = length(files); %specify how many files have been found and call it num_files
grainsleft = cell(length(files), 1); %create a cell array the same length as the number of files in one column
%for all the files found in the specified folder, read the tables of data and fill the empty cell array 'results' with the data in each .xlsx file
for a = 1:num_files
grainsleft{a} = readtable(files(a).name);
%% time steps
%number of xlsx files = number of time steps the model is run for (seconds)
totalruntime = 3001
time = 1:totalruntime;
%% mass efflux vs. time
%subplot all the mass efflux plots
for b = 1:length(grainsleft)
g{b} = grainsleft{b}(:,1);
g_array{b} = table2array(g{b});
gl{b}= g_array{b}
for c = 1:length(gl)
bar(time,gl{c}(:,1), 0.01, 'EdgeColor', 'r')
hold on
  2 个评论
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021-1-11
At quick glance it looks OK but I don't put much weigh on human-read code. If you save grainsleft to a mat file and attach it, we can run the code.
C.G. 2021-1-12
编辑:C.G. 2021-1-12
Thank you for your response.
I have worked out how to do some of what I required.
I have managed to plot my 15 different graphs now. But in 'grainsleft' I have included the experiment number as the data heading at the top of each cell, e.g.'COR0.1 SC10 FC0.1'. I would like to use this experiment number to title the respective graphs. I have attached my file with the grains left saved to it.
Would you be able to help?



Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021-1-12
编辑:Adam Danz 2021-1-12
This is the result I get and the plots are clearly different (the shape and the y-axis-limit).
For comparison, equate the axis limits using linkaxes()
ax = gobjects(size(gl)); % <-- added
for c = 1:length(gl)
ax(c) = subplot(4,4,c); % <-- save handles
bar(time,gl{c}(:,1), 0.01, 'EdgeColor', 'r')
hold on
grid on % <-- added
linkaxes(ax) % <-- added
By the way, the script you shared could be cleaned up and reduced to,
% New version that replaces your entire script
files = dir('*.xlsx');
num_files = numel(files);
grainsleft = cell(numel(files), 1);
for a = 1:num_files
grainsleft{a} = readtable(files(a).name);
totalruntime = 3001;
time = 1:totalruntime;
ax = gobjects(size(grainsleft));
for i = 1:numel(grainsleft)
ax(i) = subplot(4,4,i);
bar(ax(i), time, grainsleft{i}{:,1}, 0.01, 'EdgeColor', 'r')
Lastly, consider using a histogram, or fill instead of bar. The bar plot is not representitive of your actual data. It hides important features.
fill(ax(i),[time(:);flipud(time(:))], [grainsleft{i}{:,1}(:);zeros(numel(time),1)],'r','EdgeColor','none')
% or
histogram(ax(i),'BinEdges',timeBins, 'BinCounts',grainsleft{i}{:,1},'EdgeColor','none','FaceColor','r')
Results of fill
  4 个评论
C.G. 2021-1-12
编辑:C.G. 2021-1-12
Fantastic thank you.
I have been working my way through the cleaned up and reduced code you provided to ensure I understand it. However, I have a second set of graphs that are plotted after the fill graphs, which I cannot get to work now the variables have changed. Would you be able to help me with this?
my original code was:
%fft/power spectra
%set up basic parameters
%Loop through all the files in g1 and plot the respective power spectra
for d = 1:18
signal = gl(:,d);
N = length(signal); %number of samples in the signal
fs = 100; %how many samples are taken per second
fnyquist = fs/2; %nyquist frequency
%plot a single sided power spectrum with log frequency axis
%abs is the magnitude values
%fft is a built in function that determines magnitude and phases of sinusoids present
%put number <size (grains) after signal, can change resoltuion
%no number, matlab will do the whole length of the vector
X_mags = abs(fft(signal));
%assign frequency axis values, starting with bins from 0:N-1
bin_vals = [0 : N-1];
%to convert from bin to Hz use the standard formula: bin*fs/N, where fs and
%N are defined at the beginning
fax_Hz = bin_vals*fs/N;
%ceil rounds N/2 to the nearest integer greater or equal to that element; e.g. -1.9 is rounded to -2.0
N_2 = ceil(N/2);
%create a plot where the x axis has a log scale (semilogx)
%x axis is log Hz, ranging from 1:N2
%y axis converts the values of X_mags to dB using 20*log10
semilogx(fax_Hz(1:N_2), 20*log10(X_mags(1:N_2)))
xlabel('Frequency (Hz)')
ylabel('Power (dB)');
axis tight
Adam Danz
Adam Danz 2021-1-12
编辑:Adam Danz 2021-1-13
It looks like this is what you're trying to do
signal = grainsleft{d}{:,1};
  • grainsleft is a cell array.
  • grainsleft{d} is a table
  • grainsleft{d}{:,1} is the first column of the table


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