How to deploy a Matlab app to iOS and Android?

155 次查看(过去 30 天)
I'm new to Matlab but I'm working with a developer that has an algo that is written in Matlab. I want to port this application to iOS & Android without having to rewrite the algo in Java , C etc. This application will be packaged with other C code. Will Matlab compiler achieve this purpose? Are there any gotchas with Matlab compiler once it comes time to deploy on iOS and android ? e.g. unsupported functions etc - thanks!


Bill Chou
Bill Chou 2017-3-10
One option is to use MATLAB Coder, which generates C code from your MATLAB algorithm. You can then integrate the generated C code into your iOS and Android apps. Here’s a webinar and example code that shows this workflow:
A few customers have tried this approach. In particular, Respiri created an Android and iPhone app for their wheeze detection product:

更多回答(3 个)

Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2013-4-11
The MATLAB Compiler will not do this for you, and that includes Java Builder. You need MCR (MATLAB Component Runtime) which requires MS Windows, Linux, or OS-X to run on.
The closest you can get is MATLAB Mobile

saras 2016-7-22
The following two products will allow you to generate code for mobile devices:
  2 个评论
Walter Roberson
Walter Roberson 2016-7-22
Notice that those two require that you use Simulink to control the generation. Those two are not general purpose "deploy MATLAB code to Android / iOS": you have to live with the various restrictions of Simulink.


daniel hennessy
daniel hennessy 2013-4-11
thanks Walter for your prompt and very clear answer. From what I know of MATLAB Mobile I think the round trip time to a remote server will render the app unusable.
From your knowledge, when developers need to rewrite MATLAB code to run on IOS/Android is there a language that lends itself best to this ? i.e. in terms of what similar functions may exist in the target language? Are the options essentially Java, C, ojbective C, C++ - thanks!
  5 个评论
Sven Mixer
Sven Mixer 2014-4-10
Thank you very much in such a prompt and clear answer. Now I am sure I've understood it right.
In what means can MATLAB Coder product can be obtained for probation and trial? Can we get Price offer on that?
NICOLE MIN 2021-5-9
i have a function code created from GUI, how can i use the Matlab code to convert my function script to C code. i ve tried several times but failed, i have these error



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