Can you please explain the meaning for below code ..??

1 次查看(过去 30 天)
function buildingDetection(inputFileName, outputFileName)
[imgFile, lidarFile, demFile, LPDx, LPDy, useEntropy, useAdjustment,useRefinement, useReduction] = readInputFile(inputFileName);
out = 'reading data ...';
[A, R, bbox] = geotiffread(imgFile);
[Ad, Rd, bboxd] = geotiffread(demFile);
fp = fopen(lidarFile, 'r');
ALS = fscanf(fp, '%f %f %f', [3 inf]);
  1 个评论
Jan 2013-4-11
It would be easier to answer, if you ask a specific question. Do you need an explanation for fopen() also and do you understand the quotes in 'r'?


回答(1 个)

Image Analyst
Image Analyst 2013-4-11
It reads in three files into arrays.
  1 个评论
Ahmed A. Selman
Ahmed A. Selman 2013-4-18
First two for reading images, last one for (maybe) a dat, or text file, from entry 3 to the end..



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