What types of analysis can i perform on the videos of drawings?

2 次查看(过去 30 天)
I am doing an explatory research where as an investigation of the treatment on movement,II have asked subjects to draw on a drawing tablet and I am recording the videos of the drawings. I will do image analysis to the final drawings, such as color distributions, object analysis, box counting and fractal analysis.
For video analysis, I found that I can look at optical flow. Is there any other analysis can I do for the videos of the creation of drawing?
I would appriciate if you have any further suggestions for image processing too.
All my Best,

回答(1 个)

Yash 2024-2-13
For video analysis of the creation of drawings, besides optical flow, you can also consider the following techniques:
For image processing of the final drawings, in addition to the techniques you mentioned (color distributions, object analysis, box counting, and fractal analysis), you can also consider:
I hope these suggestions are helpful for your research


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