call mexfile from sfunction

3 次查看(过去 30 天)
Hi how can I call a mex-file in an S-Function Builder in simulink? I find a mex-file in the internet and don't know about its source code. this mex-file hase several inputs argumant and several outputs. I wanna to use it in my sfunction, but donn't know how can I do it.


Friedrich 2013-4-18
at least a mexCallMATLAB from the S-function should work. Or also runtime dynamic linking. See my post here:
  5 个评论
Kaustubha Govind
Kaustubha Govind 2013-4-22
Omid: No, if you absolutely need a C-MEX S-function that is auto-generated using S-function Builder, then please follow Friedrich's solution. However, if there is no other C code that you need to call and you are okay with manually implementing a MATLAB S-function, you may follow my solution.
omid jab
omid jab 2013-4-23
I understand, tanks for your help.


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