this seems to work - even though there is maybe a better way to extract the numerical content from the table
I tried with other opts parameters, at the end I could make this to work
% node 1 Coord 2 Coord
% varNames = {'node','1 Coord','2 Coord'} ;
% varTypes = {'int32','double','double'} ;
datalines = [62 5613];
% opts = delimitedTextImportOptions('DataLines',datalines,'VariableNames',varNames ,'VariableTypes',varTypes);
opts = delimitedTextImportOptions('DataLines',datalines,'VariableTypes','char');
data_table = readtable('Onewfp.txt',opts);
[m,n] = size(data_table);
data_C = table2cell(data_table);
% code below could be replaced with correct opts for readtable ?
k = 0;
for ci = 1:m
C = strsplit(data_C{ci});
if ~isnan(str2num(C{1}))
k = k+1;
node_num(k,1) = str2num(C{1});
node1cor(k,1) = str2num(C{2});
node2cor(k,1) = str2num(C{3});