AppDesigner Standalone Desktop App Error permission denied

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Hi everyone!
this Question might be esay to solve but i am a totaly beginner in Matlab.
I want to create a standalone App with the Matlab Compiler but i get the following Error Message every time i try.
That mlapp file itself runs perfectly fine, when i start it with matlab.
pls help
Preparing Runtime...
mcc -o APP_Makro -W 'main:APP_Makro,version=1.5' -T link:exe -d 'C:\Users\Philipp Günthner\Documents\MATLAB\APP_16_01_2021\for_testing' -v 'C:\Users\Philipp Günthner\Documents\MATLAB\APP_16_01_2021.mlapp' -r 'C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2020b\toolbox\compiler\resources\default_icon.ico'
Compiler version: 8.1 (R2020b)
Analyzing file dependencies.
Warning: In "C:\Users\Philipp Günthner\Documents\MATLAB\APP_16_01_2021.mlapp", "solve, syms, vpasolve" are excluded from packaging for the MATLAB Runtime environment according to the MATLAB Compiler license. Either remove the file or function from your code, or use the MATLAB function "isdeployed" to ensure the function is not invoked in the deployed component.
Parsing file "C:\Users\Philipp G�nthner\Documents\MATLAB\APP_16_01_2021.mlapp"
(referenced from command line).
Error: Unable to open file "C:\Users\Philipp G�nthner\Documents\MATLAB\APP_16_01_2021\for_testing\requiredMCRProducts.txt": Permission denied.
  1 个评论
Mario Malic
Mario Malic 2021-1-28
you can't compile the toolbox that these functions are in "solve, syms, vpasolve". You should see this warning when you compile the app.



Shubham Khatri
Shubham Khatri 2021-2-3
To my understanding the error for permission occurs when you try to access a file for which you do not have permission to access or modify. I would recommand to check the file access settings from administrator.
Also, it looks like you are trying to complie a toolbox, which can not be done.
Please refer to the this answer for more insight.
Hope it helps.
  1 个评论
Philipp Guenthner
Thanks for the anwser! Indeed the problem was that my folders are write-protected and so MATLAB compiler couldn't work properly.
To change the wirte protected properties of your folder didn't work for me somehow, dispite i am the administrator. Must be a new "feature" of win10...
The Solution is pretty simpel. Move the folder with your App to your Main drive root (C:) and the compiler will work.
Thanks for your repely! You saved me a lot of work !!


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